Hello everyone, my name is Sam and I am a fishing enthusiast. I go fishing almost every week. I really like the feeling of being part of nature when fishing. I am also the owner of Elec Barrel, which specialized in the production of waste containers. We have produced and sold waste containers for 10 years.

10 years ago, I used to go fishing with my friends. We had good time although we often fished for a whole day without much gain. However, later we found that industrial development caused damage to environment we lived in. The fish and birds got fewer and air pollution became worse, which was prevalent in China. The good day of being with nature had gone due to the negative impact of rapid development of society. I couldn’t stop wondering: what could we do to keep the environment from destruction and let make people who enjoy fishing or other outdoor sports enjoy the beauty of nature.

Therefore, every time I go abroad for business, I will observe how developed countries protect environment. I found that the effort on reducing environmental pollution should start with the source, that is, the collection of domestic and industrial waste, which can make the follow-on work much easier. But this opinion was rarely taken seriously in China at that time. I also found that many countries like us, did not pay attention to waste collection, so we began to try to learn about how to produce waste containers and seek potential opportunities. Since we entered the industry, we have found more social problems, which strengthened our belief in doing waste container business.
In China, the people who do cleaning and sanitation work are at the bottom of society. Their income is low and their hard work never receive due respect and recoginition from society, which their counterparts abroad are proud of their work because waste collection is a job required high skills. Therefore, we hold the strong belief to make waste collection worker do work easier, receive more recognition and have more sense of accomplishment. Waste collection is supposed to be one of the greatest jobs in the world. We want to make the best waste container, make the environment more beautiful, and make the waste collection work easier and the most importantly, make our belief spreads to all parts of the world.
Our brand is called PG&GP, PG for “Produce Green”, GP for “Green product”. From brand, product to each employee, we covey and implement environmental protection concepts. With our enthusiasm, however, our road was not so easy as we presumed. We encountered many challenges and experienced real hard time. We chose a common-used 1100L waste container as our first product. Soon we received the first order but we faced big problems due to lack of experience on production and there were few manufacturing resources in China at that time. Without other choice, we had to find the way by ourselves. At that time, many of our raw materials and accessories were not available, and we adopted the common product design, which led to the high transportation cost. Finally, we didn’t make much profit and we were unsatisfied with the product we sold. Therefore, we started to reflect how to design and produce the product we wanted.
We spent a lot of time on studying waste containers and foreign production processes. We had learned that our products must have high quality to prevent our containers soon turn into waste. The production should also consider the potential damage to environment, so we cooperated with the best manufactories and used the best raw materials. We used hot-dip galvanization, and plastic coating to reduce the negative effect on environment. We had large investment on improving our factory environment and the upgrades of quality and design according to our strict standard.

In addition to products, we also value customer service. Our products are sold to other places in the world by our customers. We want to promote our ideas and products through our clients by solving the needs of customers and offer the best service. We try our best to meet our customers’ design requirements and provide the best logistics plans for our customers to save cost. Considering a large proportion of our customers had been bidding for government projects, we offer considerate and exclusive service to meet their needs. We will provide product quality certification reports, factory certification reports, etc., to facilitate our customers to carry out their work. We also expanded our warehouse to keep certain quantity of in-stock products to make sure the on-time delivery. 
In 10 years, we have cooperated with nearly 100 customers and won good market reputation. I still remember the comment from our client from Kuwait, “Sam and your partners are not businessmen. You are environmentalists. It's hard to imagine your insistence on the quality of the bins. I am very happy to cooperate with you.” Indeed, retrospecting the past 10 years, the great moments are always the time I got positive evaluation and recognition of the quality of our products from my customers. Our products are also transported to the world through containers. Of course, my greatest happiness comes from the improvement of environment in the past 10 years, because through the joint effort, our environmental philosophy has spread.
Now our products use the best accessories and raw materials. We purchase raw materials from Wuhan Iron and Steel Plant and Shanghai Baosteel. Our wheels meet the highest requirements in the industry. I don’t want to see the waste containers quickly turn into waste in the future. I hope they can convey our environmental protection idea. At the same time, we have integrated the resources of the entire waste recycling industry. We can provide the whole sets of products for our customers, including waste containers, recycling tools, waste compactors, incineration and processing equipment in order to provide one-stop solutions.
One day, my friend asked me, “Sam, do you want to invest in some other projects or do some other products?”. I said no without any hesitation. I told him I would rather to insist on my initial idea, that is to make environment better, although it is hard. I believe that my customers and those who care about us have the similar pursuit. Most importantly, I have so many customers, which I need to be responsible for them. I will insist on making the company and products better until one day environmental problems are not so serious.

Now I still love and keep going fishing, and every time I go fishing, I can calm down and think about how to upgrade our products. Of course, I often catch big fish, which makes me very happy. Finally, I would like to appeal to everyone, whether you are engaged in environmental protection or not. Please respect our environment and begin with small steps. PG&GP is always with you.

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 Tel : +86-579-82826996/ + 86-579-82813066
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 Lingxiazhu Industrial zone,
Jindong District, Jinhua, Zhejiang, P.R.China.


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